What is the rub? Coffee, of course!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Also known as What is the rub? Coffee, of course!
Today I am cooking dinner and finally got a moment for a break to rest. Our dinner is inspired a little bit by one of the recipes on Roaste. I decided to for the first time ever make a turducken for dinner.
For those who have not heard of them before a turducken is a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey. How can you do such a thing? Carefully, of course. First you cut the chicken open gently and debone it – taking out all of the bones. For me this is fairly easy to do except I have no idea how one could debone wings, so I cut off the wings and threw them away. I then repeated this with the duck. I cut out all the bones again and threw away the wings. For the turkey I decided to take out all the bones except in the wings and the legs, but left those alone.
I had never realized just how little meat there was on a duck. After seeing that I decided I had to jettison as much skin as possible of both the chicken and duck without having it fall apart. Your stuff the chicken and roll it back together. You put a layer of stuffing on the duck, lay the chicken on it and roll it up around the chicken. You then put a layer on the Turkey and roll the turkey up around the duck and chicken. You skewer the turkey so that when flipped breast side up it looks like a normal turkey.
On each layer I put on a coffee rub. It was a simplified verion of this rub
It had salt, pepper, ground Paradise Nuevo, and some other seasonings.
To make sure that we get a sufficient coffee flare, we will also use some black coffee in the gravy.
We will see how it goes and hopefully I’ll be able to upload a picture or two after it is done. That will not be for a long time as it is cooking at a low temperature on the grill for about 8 hours.
The fun thing is that you bring the “turkey” to the table and slice right down the middle since there are no bones.
I hope it works!
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