Freezer or fridge, canister or Ziploc? 4 tips to store coffee

One of the most comon questions we get at ROASTe is how to store coffee.

We've tried just about everything here -- freezer, refrigerator, canisters, rubber bands around the bag, ziplocs.

And we've spoken with about a dozen different roasters who sell through ROASTe about what they recommend.

There's broad agreement:  oxygen makes your roasted coffee stale.A valve bag from Higher Ground Roasters

Reduce the amount of oxygen your coffee is exposed to, and it will last longer.

  Here are some tips:

1. Ideally buy whole bean coffee.  Grind just what you need for the cup or pot that you're brewing.  Nothing degrades coffee faster than ground coffee exposed to air.

2. If you'll be keeping the coffee bag unopened for more than about 7-10 days, purchase coffees in valve bags.  A valve bag lets air out of the coffee, but none out.  It reduces oxygen exposure. 

3. When storing coffee, put it in a dark, air-tight low-moisture place.  A cannister can work.  Or a Ziploc bag.   In a cabinet. Or on a kitchentop counter.   We've stored coffee in both the frezer and the countertop and there's no noticable taste difference to us.  Whether you put it in the freezer is up to you.   If in the freezer just make sure the coffee is sealed tight.  Otherwise freezers get a lot of air ciculating and that can kill the coffee.

4. Use freshly roasted coffee within about 14 days of roasting.   After that flavor goes downhill especially if it's not in a valve bag.   It's interesting that one of our star roasters in Seattle, Velton's, recommends that their espressos are BEST on approximately the seventh day after roast.  

Follow these guidelines and you'll have fresh aromatic coffee every time -

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