Where Oh Where Does My Coffee Go?

You know the scene. We’ve all been there. You just got a couple of bags of fresh ROASTe gourmet coffee and you’re in the kitchen wondering whether to put one bag in the freezer or not. You’re trying to remember – is the freezer ok or not ok? Real Simple writers Sharon Tanenbaum and Ashley Tate just wrote a short but helpful reminder of the best place to store grounds. For coffee that you’re using regularly, that place is in an airtight opaque canister – or tightly closed in its bag inside an airtight re-sealable bag - on a shelf away from light, heat, and moisture. However, for coffee that won’t be used for awhile, the freezer is fine. Why the difference? If you move coffee in and out of the freezer, the fluctuating temperatures create moisture in the package, which causes oil loss, and that leads to cardboard-tasting coffee. This is because it is that oil which gives the coffee aroma and flavor. On the other hand, you can freeze whole bean coffee for up to a month if you don’t remove the beans from the freezer until use. It is recommended that if it’s a large amount of beans, they should be put in smaller packs, in airtight bags. To thaw the frozen beans for use, put them on a shelf to thaw. Grind and brew them within two weeks so the coffee stays at peak freshness. So now you know where that coffee goes. Below are some coffee storage solutions. Brew fresh.

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