The Italian tradition of Caffe Sospeso

In the cafes of Naples Italy, it's an old tradition for a customer who has just benefitted from fortune or luck (getting a new job, getting engaged, having a baby, etc.) to order a "Caffe Sospeso" -- literally a suspended coffee.

They pay for two coffees and receive one.  The second coffee is considered "suspended" until someone indigent or in need comes into the cafe and asks for a coffee.  Then it is given to the indigent person gratis.

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The tradition might remind you of the way that a happy customer might buy a round of drinks for everyone at the bar.

You can help revive this fun tradition of the Caffe Sospeso on ROASTe by sending customers coffee as a gift.    Coffee makes a wonderful gift, of course.   You can purchase eGift Cards for anyone with an email address.  You can also purchase on ROASTe a wide variety of gift items and coffee tour subscriptions.

Or you could just pay us double for your order.  Maybe that's a tradition better observed in Naples! 

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