The bacon syrup chronicles: Part 1

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Some of you may remember that right before the holidays I ordered a few unusual coffee-related items I thought might be coerced into some kind of uneasy union, namely Captain’s smoked applewood cold brew and a [thankfully] small bottle of Torani’s pork juice (see here for a refresher). Well, they arrived shortly afterward, and thus was set in motion a miniature culinary adventure I’ll call the Bacon Syrup Chronicles (not to be confused with the Chronic-what?-cles of Narnia). Let us begin.

Smoked applewood cold brew: Alone, I like it just as much as the Captain’s traditional cold brew—perhaps even a little bit more. The smoke and apple notes are present but very subtle, relegated to the background of this smooth drink with a predominantly milk chocolate flavor.

Torani bacon syrup: Frankly, it’s revolting straight, but better in milk, and best so far with some chocolate syrup added. Which brings me to Part 1 of the Chronicles, where I attempt a drink combining these ingredients.

First experiment:

Pigs in a Chocolate-Covered Breakfast Blanket

What you'll need

- I small tumbler of Captain’s smoked applewood cold brew

- ½-and-½ to taste

- 2 tiny glugs of Torani bacon syrup [Why be more precise? Dude, I’m letting my hair down on this journey...]

- 2 swirls of Hershey’s chocolate syrup [Again, chill—did I mention the hair is officially down? Save your digital scale and gourmet chocolate for another time!]


Stir well.

Optional garnish

Bacon crumbles [For the record, I did not opt.]

Results: Not bad! The chocolate syrup amplifies notes already present in the cold brew and pleasantly mutes the bacon syrup’s meaty all-too-awesomeness, which in this drink presents itself mostly to the nose. Overall smokiness remains subdued. I’ll give this one 3 pigs out of 5 on my brand new Bacon scale.

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Stay tuned for Part 2!

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