Nice to have some good coffee! (AJ Coffee)

Over this past weekend due to a little logistical issues with ordering a coffee that was no longer available I did find myself without any coffee. And in the gap I ended up buying a nice espresso blend from Scarlet City Roasting. The one problem that I encountered with that coffee though was that it was one of those blends that did pretty well as an espresso, but was a little too much as drip, the coffee just came out bitter and dark alone thus I was quite thrilled the coffee came from AJ Coffee Co came in the mail today.

There are a ton of roasters here on Roaste, just look at the roaster list, part of the problem with having such a large list is that there are some really good roasters that get lost in the cracks, and to be quite frank after having just a pot of the Finca Santa Clara that I got from AJ Coffee Co i believe AJ Coffee is one of those. I have been always curious about AJ Coffee because they have been the first roaster on the roasters page due to their name and once I saw them start to advertise on I knew they must be for real, and then a poster said they have had them before and that pushed me over the edge.

To that regard I picked up two bags from them Black Torpedo, and Guatemala - Finca Santa Clara. I had orignally ordered Finca Culpan, however it was out and was graciously offered a pound of Santa Clara in exchange for the 12 oz bag of Culpan I ordered, which was a pretty easy exchange. Since the Warp Drive espresso from Scarlet City was not too good as a drip coffee, I made up a nice pot of Santa Clara, which did not disappoint.

Finca Santa Clara as a drip was amazing. The coffee had a nice base of dark chocolate with a clean fruit acidity that made for that cup of coffee you really don't want to end. The most exciting part for me was that it really showed me that the coffee was roasted really well. Since there is that nice chocolate notes and acidity it's hitting that happy medium that I feel can be lacking by a lot of roasters that either go darker or lighter.

I cannot wait to try the Black Torpedo, as I am expecting some really good things from it!

One really glaring thing at the moment though is there are no coffees being offered by AJ Coffee Co at the moment on Roaste! I did shoot an message over Jason of AJ Coffee Co, and was assured that it was just a process of getting the coffees approved by Roaste, so hopefully we will see them back up here really quick. Also, I read that they have just relocated to Dallas and so perhaps the moving has something to do with that too.

 UPDATE!!!: Coffee is still great, and AJ Coffee is back up and listed here on Roaste so if anyone wants to go ahead and pull the trigger now is the time. Cannot recommend them enough.

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