New Roaster: Buddy Brew Coffee

Hailing from Tampa, FL - Buddy Brew is a specialty coffee craft roaster with a crazy passion to Brew Good and Do Good. We believe coffee should be extraordinary. We believe in challenging the status quo. Our coffee is carefully selected from farmers who diligently grow and process the beans to their highest quality, and treated with tremendous care by artfully hand roasting each bean to its individual perfection. We believe coffee is best enjoyed when it is freshly roasted and meticulously prepared.




Because it’s about more than just getting a jolt or quenching thirst; it's about more than a sleek business plan or just making a profit. Our love for coffee, people and the pursuit of excellence runs as deep as our desire to make a difference in the world. The opportunity to make an impact on someone’s day, on someone’s life, through the good we invest into every cup, is the driving force behind everything that we do. We believe in challenging the status quo and doing things differently. We believe the details matter. We believe in creating exceptional coffees, delivering unmatched service, and building community. Because success is not a goal, it is a byproduct of intentionality, of a family sticking together and investing all they are into the common goal, Brew Good. Do Good.



So you have an unyielding desire for the most deliciously satisfying coffee on the planet? Then join us in our passionate quest for coffee excellence! We start with sourcing the highest quality beans from the best farmers across the globe. We follow that with the beautiful, messy craft of hand roasting, combining art and science, to bring out the full flavor of individual deliciousness in each batch. Next, we commit unwaveringly to bean freshness. We want to change the way the world drinks coffee. It is, after all, an agriculture product, just like the produce you eat. We believe it should be treated as such. We record roast dates on each bag so that you can enjoy your coffee at its best, at its peak flavor, within the first weeks of roasting. We believe in coffee without compromise. And we do it for you.

Shop the Buddy Brew Coffee selection and receive free shipping through 3/31/2015

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