Musasa Cooperative, Rwanda By AJ Coffee Company
Over the past few months I have gotten away from posting too much about the coffees that I am currently working through at home. I have done this for a few reasons, most of the coffees here on Roaste and else where are all really good, and while I did say all of the coffees that I have been drinking lately are really good, nothing has really wow'd me either.
BUT I am writing another one of these posts about the current coffee that I am working through, Musasa Cooperative from Rwanda as roasted by AJ Coffee Company and I am pretty wow'd by it. I did post that this is a coffee that is being carried by a few different roasters out there, but so far I would recommend getting it from AJ Coffee Company.
I have been really impressed by the three coffees that I have tried so far from this roaster. Perhaps some of it is my pallate has started to really like light roasted coffees, however I feel the roasts from AJ's really just highlight the coffee without going too dark or light; I am not getting lemon flavors that I am accustom to with other light roasted coffees.
Now specifically talking about this Rwandan the best way to describe it is, juicy.
I have used this blend specifically just for drip, both the auto-dripper and Hario V60. My auto-dripper uses a Melitta cone so I feel like it gets a little more of the darker flavors of the coffee, like a dark cherry or plum flavor not super sweet, but with a little bit of tartness to it. While I feel the Hario V60 provides a little more clarity to the coffee and gives it a nice refreshing juice tartness like what you might expect from a cranberry cocktail, however without the overly sweet finish. The finish is almost like a grahm cracker. The Grahm cracker flavor I found comes out pretty well when the coffee cools and even more so when iced.
It's been hard for me to lay off ordering another bag or two, but I think over the weekend I am going to search out this same coffee by Four Barrel to give it a go. I would not however if I were you hold off on this coffee if something a little bright doesn't scare you away. Very good, 5+ cups.
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