In Vietnam, the Bud Transplant May Mean More Coffee

With coffee demand increasing at a steady rate, and some regions reporting smaller harvests, farmers are trying to find ways to increase yields. One of the most promising methods is that of bud transplants, the subject of experimentation in Vietnam. This bud transplanting can bring more good things to coffee farming than just more coffee. The problem in certain areas of Vietnam is the age of the coffee plants, which is getting higher and therefore rendering the plants unproductive. When buds are transplanted, it rejuvenates the plant and eventually productivity increases. Since replacing the plants takes six years before they produce, it’s cheaper and easier to use the transplant method and start harvesting in two years rather than six. Moreover, the transplants are growing faster than new trees and producing larger beans. So far one farmer, with the help of the Agriculture Center, is experimenting with the bud transplant method. He will know in two years, when they start producing, just how successful the method is. It’s projected that coffee production can be increased by 5 to 6 tons per hectare. This might be one way Vietnamese farmers, at least, will be able to increase yields to help meet the growth in coffee demand. Not only will it provide more beans, but the expenses required for using this resource will be much less than starting out with brand new plants. Whether the method is necessary or feasible in other regions remains to be seen.

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