I Was First!

This is so exciting! I was the first on line for Black Friday! It was incredible too!  The clerk at Wilco Hess called the police since he got nervous.  He said I freaked him out because I had been standing outside the door staring in since 10 PM, but he apologized when I explained I was there for the big sale.  he didn't really apologize, but he did make a fresh pot of Maxwell House, but would not bring a cup outside to me - I couldn't go inside and get a cup and risk losing my place in line so it is frustrating - I know it is good to the last drop.  

While waiting I met Mitch. He was collecting money I think for a holiday charity because he kept asking if I had any spare change while we waited for midnight together.  Mitch was the second one in line, by the way.  I did share a half of a left over Thanksgiving turkey sandwich I brought with me with Mitch, but I am not sure if he ate it or not since he took off when the police showed up after the clerk's little misunderstanding.

Finally  my clock struck midnight and the frantic spending frenzy began! The isles were filled with bargains - Vienna sausages for $1.29, 39 fl oz to go cup of coffee for $1.89, and a 5.5 oz bag of Andy Capp hot fries sticks for only 99 cents!  I was dizzy with excitement and didn't care who knew as I let out a loud "oh boy"! Soon the counter was filled with my black Friday savings - a rose in a glass tube for the wife, a toy Hess gas truck for the boy, a couple education lottery tickets to tip the mail man with, and that 39 fl oz cup of Maxwell House to go cup of coffee for me.

Happy Holidays everyone - I have to run now - the Wilco Hess clerk tipped me off that the Sheetz up the road is open too and maybe I should get out of his store and go there - said they deserved me - what holiday spirit!

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