How Will You Celebrate National Coffee Day?

National Coffee Day - September 29, 2011

In celebration, ROASTe is introducing our premier all-American coffee!

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Thursday September 29 is the annual US celebration of National Coffee Day. Go to any coffee chain and you can take advantage of free or reduced-price beverages in many of them. That’s one tradition.

How about this for a new tradition? Enjoy an all-American coffee for America’s National Coffee Day!  ROASTe is introducing our newest coffee which just happens to be the premier All-American grown and roasted coffee! It was grown and roasted in the only state of the US where coffee grows commercially – Hawaii.

Not only did this coffee grow in Hawaii, but it’s the personal product of America’s reigning USA Barista Champ. So this is the second reason for making this coffee the appropriate coffee for America’s coffee celebration.

Barista champion Licata’s coffee - Pete Licata Espresso - is now available on ROASTe. This is the coffee that won Pete the US Barista Championship in 2011. This is Licata’s personally nurtured coffee, as he worked on both Rusty’s Hawaiian farm and Kona Coffee & Tea. There he got personal with the beans as he worked hard to pick, sort, process, and participate in the roasting of beans from both farms. The resulting blend is definitely a winning espresso. If you like coffee tasting of chocolate, candied citrus, caramel, brown sugar, and ginger, you’ll love this coffee!

What better way to celebrate America’s National Coffee Day than to try one of America’s own coffees?

And just to make it sweeter, we’re giving you 15% off on Thursday, National Coffee Day only. Just order Pete Licata Espresso on Thursday, and put in this code at checkout:

Happy Coffee Day!

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