Help me choose a lemony coffee, please!
Every so often I like to play coffee Santa and dole out gifts using my spare eBeans. I’ve decided to get my friend an Aeropress—since I’ve enjoyed mine quite a bit in the short time I’ve owned it—but I need help deciding on which coffee to send along with it. Would you all mind lending a hand?
First, please check out what friend X (code name: Squid) has to say about the coffee she likes most: “I'm open to all kinds of coffee. Here's what I don't like: bitterness. Here's what I do like: brightness (lemony = good) and richness. The only transcendent home-coffee experience I've had was with an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe that, I believe, had a medium/light roast.”
I hardly ever buy Ethiopian coffee and, thus, don’t have much experience with those offered through ROASTe; nevertheless, I’ve narrowed down my short list to the ones below.
Ceremony’s Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Kochere District – Wakeknot, your review in particular got my attention.
Olympia’s Ethiopia Kochere Yirgacheffe – “Carnal aromas” sound promising, no?
Paradise’s Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Kochere Micro-Lot – This roaster’s reputation goes a long way, of course.
Flat Black’s Ethiopian Yirgacheffe – I’m guessing they roast a touch darker than Paradise, though I could be wrong.
And, finally, more of a stretch: Klatch’s Ethiopia Gedeo Worka Natural – It's a somewhat different flavor profile than my friend expressed an interest in, but the buzz surrounding these beans launches them onto my radar screen.
But wait, here’s an even bigger stretch from Klatch: their El Salvador Yellow Bourbon – Described as “brighter [than their Orange Bourbon, which is a fantastic coffee, by the way] with floral and strong lemon citric flavors.”
So, any advice? I’m all ears. Thanks in advance!
Unrelated aside: Did someone here pick up the gently used 1.4 L Eva Solo that I saw on eBay the other day for $50 shipped? Hope so.
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