Discussion with some SF Area roasters

I am a few months late to the party on this radio chat session that played out locally for me with a few "third wave" coffee owners in the Bay Area. The interview, which aired on the local public radio back January of this year was with James Freeman, Bluebottle, Jeremy Tooker, Four Barrel and Eileen Hassi of Ritual.

You can listen to it here:


Anyway, I got a chance to listen to it last night and it was interesting to hear them speak on some different topics in coffee. A good portion of it was just stuff that if you have already read a lot about coffee or had a decent amount of experience will be old hat for you. But just to hear some of their views on coffee and where it is going is interesting.

There were a few questions about home brewing, and it was pretty generic. Fresh coffee ground prior to brewing makes the best coffee and to be budget minded to use something like Hario V60 cone.

I found this advice to not really be all that great involving the people that were listening that might be part of the lunatic fringe that reside over here on the internets. I would have been pretty satisfied for them to take about at least ten second that you should probably get a grinder that is around that $100 dollar point to get a good grind. It really makes all the difference in the world when it comes to making coffee and if they are advocating the Hario V60 as a good type of brew method at home you probably should have something of that quality to grind your beans to keep the brew even.

The other glaring factoid they missed out on was that a caller asked where to get Indian coffee in the San Fransico bay area, and they couldn't think of any!

Ummm look no farther than Josuma right here on Roaste based out of San Fransico and sold in a few places around the bay area in stores. I was pretty disappointed they didn't know about this quality roaster right in their backyard.

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