Can Coffee-Lovers Go Green?

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches - with spring following right behind by three days - we start seeing green everywhere – on people, on store decorations, in all kinds of food, in the Chicago River, as well as covering trees and gardens far and wide. In today’s world, it’s also a metaphor for environmental responsibility. So naturally we think of the question, can coffee-lovers go green? In our drinking, brewing, and purchasing of coffee, we can go green all day. Today’s coffee culture has joined the greening of the world, reaching into every corner of the world.

Take your coffee: did you ever dream there would be so many offerings of organic coffee? Organic is considered green because no artificial fertilizers or herbicides are used in its cultivation and therefore, it is good to the earth that nurtures it and succeeding generations of coffee plants. Ditch the Paper Filter, Not the Coffee itself has well over 200 “green” coffees, representing most the world’s coffee regions.

Take brewing: Yama glass coffeemakers are made in Taiwan by a green manufacturer who states the company is certified by the government as conforming to environmental standards. A major recycler of glass, the company also does not contribute to air pollution because it does NOT have a chimney pouring out toxins into the atmosphere. Even in the decaffeination process, decaf lovers can go green. Coffee Kind has over two dozen organic decaf coffees, all naturally decaffeinated, without chemicals and without stripping of flavor. Avoid caffeine, enjoy flavor and go green! And if you buy your cuppa Joe on the go, you can save paper by using the RuMe Cuff, a wallet that doubles as a coffee cup sleeve.

Using this cuff saves the paper for the sleeve that would have ended up in a landfill. Of course, you can just get a travel mug and take that to be filled at your favorite shop, going even greener. So whether you’re Irish or not, if you celebrate the ‘wearing of the green” don’t forget to make Irish coffee - . And while you’re enjoying that, learn why the color green became an essential part of St. Pat’s Day on this video, called, what else? - “Green.”

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