Another Great Customer Service Story

today's coffee orderROASTe and its roasters rock customer service in a way you don't see in a lot of other places, and I just got another example of that yesterday.

Back on March 12, I ordereda pound of Brazilian Oberon coffee from The West Bean. I'd heard good things about the coffee and the roaster, so I was looking forward to it. I was doubly looking forward to it because it's a South American coffee, not my usual East African or Pacific Rim choice.

I checked back on my order like a mother hen. The USPS tracking info read "Electronic Shipping Info Received." For days. On the 14th, I got an email from ROASTe saying my coffee had shipped. The USPS tracking info read "Electronic Shipping Info Received." I figured, okay -- it just hasn't been scanned yet.

A couple of days went by. I ordered some Fruto del Fuego. It arrived in four days. My Brazilian Oberon still read "Electronic Shipping Info Received" and I still didn't have my coffee. 

On March 27th, I ordered a pound of Dean's Beans Ring of Fire and figured that after 15 days, I should follow up on my order from The West Bean. I used the contact button and just dropped a little note that said, "Hey, I haven't got my coffee yet. Can someone follow up on this for me?"

Within an hour, I got a note back from Scott Lush saying, essentially, we called the roaster. The order shipped on the 12th, but it hasn't been scanned anywhere along the way so we're having the coffee re-shipped on us. Personal attention from one of the owners -- that's enough to make anyone feel all warm and fuzzy, but I was destined to feel even warmer and fuzzier yet.

Yesterday, the mailman arrived with two packages. One was my Ring of Fire. The other was the Brazilian Oberon from The West Bean. It was nice to have the whole issue resolved within 3 days. What was even nicer was the hand-written sticky note attached to the bag that read: 


ROASTe contacted us yesterday and said you never received your order we shipped out. We are very sorry you never received it. Here is your order plus a little extra roasted today.



The West Bean

The brown paper kraft bag was packed to the very top with freshly roasted, fragrant coffee beans. I don't have a scale handy, but I'd estimate -- based on comparison with the other pound of coffee I received,  that WB added a good 6 to 8 extra ounces to my order as an apology. How cool is that?

Edit: Wait -- it gets even cooler. I was so pleased with my coffee yesterday that I didn't really dig into the package. This morning, my son was getting things ready to go to recycling when he reached into the box and pulled out a little 2-oz-ish package of Papua New Guinea beans that I can't wait to try. Yep, The West Bean definitely gets my vote as a great company to buy from.

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