5 days without coffee!

This whole week,  I have been super busy with the process of moving from a rented basement to a condo that I recently closed. All of my coffee gears including several of my espresso machines, grinders and various accessories were packed at the end of last week and thus I only had access to aeropress coffee. Then last weekend, the aeropress and the grinders as well as the remaining of the roasted coffee is also packed away into moving boxes and it was almost five days until now that I was without good coffee. 

Honestly, the whole process of moving is not that bad but two of the most painful things when moving into the a new place at least for me that I just experienced this week is the lack of coffee and the lack of internet connection. Fortunately, today, the modem from Clearwire reached me this morning and I also finished with unpacking and placing my coffee gears into its designated place this afternoon. So here I am, writing this blog while sipping a cup of espresso pulled perfected from my La Pavoni Profesional. Let me tell you, there is no better feeling!

This whole moving experience really made me realize how much I love and miss having great coffee and how much I miss being able to share my coffee experience with others on a nice community such as Roaste. Although I experienced the Christmas holiday without coffee, thankfullly, I will have good coffee to drink while waiting to the new year, 2012. 

Happy New Year and Happy Drinking Coffee to Everyone! 

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